New Year Cleaning Challenges: Clean House Routines
With people making resolutions for the new year that often go unresolved, one of the easier ones to accomplish is cleaning up your home. The new year cleaning challenges may still be daunting, but when you plan and carry them out one at a time it can be done. The key is to identify what needs to be cleaned and then address in a way that gets the job accomplished without being overwhelming.
Timesaving Tips from Professional House Cleaners
What follows are some tips on cleaning up your home and keeping it clean for the year. By taking these steps one at a time, you can establish proper clean house routines that may last a lifetime.
Start with the Clutter
The best way to get started is by removing all the unwanted clutter from the home. All this requires are garbage bags or containers to get the clutter off the floor and either away from the home or stored properly:
- Start with the high traffic areas such as hallways
- Next, go room to room starting with the kitchen
- Toss out the trash
- Separate items to be stored, sold, or given away
The final step will probably be the most difficult as you par down the items you have remaining. You’ll need to start with the indispensable items. Once they have been stored, then decide on the rest.
Be Practical with Storage
It may be tempting to store everything which includes items whose value you question. But all you are doing is creating more clutter. Instead, start small and only purchase what you need, when you need it. Storage bins should be easy to carry, transparent, and stackable.
Use Natural Cleaners
One concern should be the cleaning products you purchase for your home. Remember that using harsh chemicals might clear away the dirt and stains, but they can leave behind pollutants and toxins that might be even worse.
Cleaning products that use natural substances such as baking soda and citrus acid will not only cut through tough stains, it will remove the odors as well. Always check the cleaning products you use and ventilate the home when cleaning.
Tip: At Viola Cleaning, we use Shaklee® – non-toxic, natural cleaning products that are quite effective in removing dust, dirt and debris without leaving any toxic residue behind.

Start from the Top Down
Now that everything you want is stored the next step is to clean the home properly. Since the floor is the lowest point, you’ll want to start at the top and work your way down. This means the walls, shelves, tables, and furniture should be cleaned first. Start by dusting all surfaces and then cleaning using rags and the proper cleaning solutions or detergents.
When the floors are the only thing remaining, vacuum the carpets and mop the tile. This will ensure that all the dust, dirt, and debris is removed from the home.
Establishing a new habit is never easy. But once it has sunk in, keeping your home clean will not be nearly as challenging. For your new year cleaning challenges, breaking them up into smaller tasks can help you establish clean house routines that makes the next year and the year after prevents putting off your cleaning tasks.
If you need professional help in cleaning your house and extra maid services, call Viola Cleaning. We offer an experienced, professional crew, the best cleaning equipment, and affordable packages of cleaning and extra maid servicess.
Contact Viola Cleaning to get started. Please call (206) 465-4103 for more information.